
Metrolinx Eramosa River Bridge

The Metrolinx and more specifically our bridge and infrastructure projects are B2B or Business-to-Business. What we mean by this is that our work and experience is highly valued by our engineering partners and construction clients. Many of the bridge and infrastructure projects we have completed over the years involve complicated engineering and intricate designs. Examples of this are bridge jacking and cable suspended structures. The featured project is the historic Grand River Trunk Railway Bridge, it stood high over the Eramosa River since 1912.  For the last 100 years, it played a critical role in the growth of Southern Ontario. The featured project here is an example of a cable suspended structure that the lead consultant and engineer of record did not have the knowledge to design. We were hired to complete this design.

The feedback Pinpoint Engineering has received during unsuccessful municipal public tenders by the procurement departments has most notably been that they “feel” we do not have the required experience. The reality is that this statement from procurement departments could not be further from the truth. Our engineering partners that are successful with municipal public tenders do call us when they need help. Getting this message to public procurement has been very difficult, however we have had success with multiple B2B contracts.


Guelph, ON
Contact us to discuss your project needs